From ethical fashion to renewable energy, Ethical SEO helps companies across every sector to excel online.
Each of our clients has their own specific circumstances and needs. But their fundamental goals are often very similar.
Every project differs in the details, but we have developed a tried-and-tested framework to help clients maximise their existing assets, identify new opportunities, seamlessly integrate “digital” into their core operations – and become a successful and profitable online business.
The Ethical SEO 5-step model
Step 1: Insight
Goal: To understand your world and how you’re measuring up.
How we do it: Getting to know you. This is where we pan out to get the widest view on your marketplace and then zoom right into your business. The aim is to understand your world – and that means asking you lots of questions. We look at what’s happening now with your business and what’s happened previously to get you here. We’ll plot all of your relationships, internally and externally. And once we understand how you tick, we will examine how well you’re doing on the web – not just in search but also using wider metrics, such as conversion rates and profitability.
Step 2: Vision
Goal: To identify where you could be.
How we do it: Once we understand what makes you tick, we can begin to work out what you can achieve. To predict the future, we look at consumer trends, B2B and B2C forecasting, and insights from across your industry and competitors. We’ll also look at the relationships you need to cultivate and nurture – and create an achievable set of targets for an ambitious digital marketing strategy.
Step 3: Strategy
Goal: To forge a practical path to success on the web.
How we do it: Now you know what you can achieve, it’s time to create a plan to make it happen. Working with you, we’ll identify which tools and resources you’ll need along the way. This is where we can set precise KPIs for measurement and plot timescales to individual tasks.
From keyword strategies to blogger outreach, we’ll break down the different components of successful digital marketing – and help you to leverage your brand values to maximum effect. The most important thing about any digital plan is to be ultra-responsive – there should be room for your strategy to evolve constantly, like an organism.
Step 4: Delivery
Goal: To put the strategy into action.
How we do it: Together, we have identified and analysed your environment, what you can achieve and how you can get there. Now it’s time to deliver. Depending on what you need, this is where we’ll start to bring in our wider network of skills: as well as core SEO and digital marketing know-how, such as link building, content creation, social media strategies and pure SEO services, we can also provide complementary skill-sets, such as journalism, content strategy, PR, and web design and development. This way, we can bring together every online specialism to provide you with a seamlessly executed digital strategy.
Step 5: Measurement
Goal: To chart your progress and “feed” the strategy.
How we do it: There are many different ways to measure the impact of your new digital marketing strategy. Together, we will have outlined a number of KPIs – and this is where we consider your online analytics and CRM data. Measurement not only enables you to predict growth, it also allows us to hone delivery by continually feeding into the strategy. The more data we receive, the more we can refine our models – and increase accuracy. Whether you’re interested in search position, sales, sentiment or profit (or all of them), our KPI-led approach means that we will provide you with a meaningful analysis of your online activities.
Want to see how we can help you to become a better online business?
Talk to us today